Utopianada information pages


Some pages feature quotations from Intracortically Dermal Dendrophobeans, a forthcoming work of hyperglossic poetry and dialogues.

Philosophy and mathematics

Coming: Book of Questions, various theorems (Collatz, Riemann, Twin Prime, P=NP)


Coming: hyperglossic editor

Psychology and psychiatry

Critique of psychiatry and the alternative.

Economic reform

Coming: infinite store, infinite currency

References: 3d printing vending machines, 3d printing homes for homeless, cryptocurrency for basic income

True physical and mental health

Coming: HCLO-based medicine, Shannon Weaver therapy; diagnostic blanket, autophagy/microchip cancer cure

Social institutions of the Internet of Things

Coming: hedonistic calculus, anti crime network, qualic justice, truth media

Immortality and resurrection

Coming: halting problem genetic circuits, hereditary set cell theory, bioprinting possible people, time precursor theory

Solving all problems, fixing the multiverse

Coming: omnipotence precursor

Future pages

There should be page for inventions not covered elsewhere