True physical and mental health

Coming: HCLO-based medicine, Shannon Weaver therapy; diagnostic blanket, autophagy/microchip cancer cure

Philosophy: curative rather than palliative approach.

Quotes from Intracortically to be added?

HCLO-based medicine

HCLO (hypochlorous acid) is a potent broad-spectrum antibacterial chemical, the active ingredient in bleach; and also synthesized by white blood cells when they encounter a pathogen. HCLO's universality derives from its ability to attack the structure of most proteins.

One challenge: how to ensure that HCLO in vivo (in the body) only targets pathogens. Current idea: a molecule, to be designed, "bleachoglobin", which carries HCLO in 3d spaces within itself (analogous to the hemes of hemoglobin, which carry oxygen), and which will unfold and release them, when antigens are encountered (analogous to the natural immune system).

Shannon-Weaver therapy

Voluntary and systems-based approach to mental wellbeing. Encompasses new forms of biofeedback.
Possible contacts: References

The natural use of HCLO within human immune system

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